Touchstone Diabetes Center

Paper of the Week

“Transforming obesity: The advancement of multi-receptor drugs”

Monday, February 10

9:15 AM – K5.600 – in person

Touchstone Center Meeting

Journal Club


2 PM virtual meeting

Touchstone Post-Doc Applicant Seminar

Nguyen Thi Giang, PhD

Case Western Reserve University

Nutrition Department

“Lactate-induced lipid accumulation in hepatocytes through GPR81 activation”


4 PM – ND13.218 in person

Physiology Seminar Series

Ming-Feng Tsai, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics

University of Virginia

“Molecular mechanisms of the mitochondrial calcium transport system”




Tuesday, February 11


11:30 AM – L4.220 in person

Touchstone Center

Cancer Fibrosis SubGroup Meeting



Wednesday, February 12


2:30 PM – L4.220 in person

Touchstone Center

Mouse Genetics SubGroup Meeting



Thursday, February 13


9 AM virtual meeting

Hamon Center for Therapeutic Oncology Research & 

SCCC Experimental Therapeutics Program Lecture 

Srinivas Malladi,Ph.D.

Department of Pathology

UT Southwestern Medical Center

“Metastatic Latency and Recurrence Determinants”



12 Noon – D1.502- in person

UTSW Seminar Series on Obesity, Diabetes and Metabolism

Edward Chouchani, Ph.D.


Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Harvard Medical School

Boston, MA

“Mass spectrometry and machine learning to identify novel regulators of metabolism”



Friday, February 14


8 AM – D1.502 in person

Internal Medicine Grand Rounds

Donald E. Wesson, M.D., M.B.A.
Professor of Internal Medicine
Division of Nephrology
UT Southwestern Medical Center

“Do Acid-producing Diets Threaten Kidney Health?”


12 Noon – D1.502 – hybrid meeting

Internal Medicine Research Conference

Philipp E. Scherer Ph.D. 

Professor and Director, Touchstone Diabetes Center
UT Southwestern Medical Center

“Understanding the Physiology of Adipose Tissue: More Important than Ever Before”


2 PM – virtual meeting

Touchstone Center

Adipoinsular SubGroup Meeting

Link as per invite


2:30 PM – NL12.125 – hybrid meeting

Center for Organogenesis, Regeneration and Trauma (CORT) Lecture Series

Chia “George” Hsu, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Department of Kinesiology

University Texas at San Antonio

“Macrophage Defense Mechanisms Against Ferroptosis”