
Characterization of distinct subpopulations of hepatic macrophages in HFD/obese mice.
Morinaga H, Mayoral R, Heinrichsdorff J, Osborn O, Franck N, Hah N, Walenta E, Bandyopadhyay G, Pessentheiner AR, Chi TJ, Chung H, Bogner-Strauss JG, Evans RM, Olefsky JM, Oh DY Diabetes 2015 Apr 64 4 1120-30


LTB4 promotes insulin resistance in obese mice by acting on macrophages, hepatocytes and myocytes.
Li P, Oh DY, Bandyopadhyay G, Lagakos WS, Talukdar S, Osborn O, Johnson A, Chung H, Mayoral R, Maris M, Ofrecio JM, Taguchi S, Lu M, Olefsky JM Nat. Med. 2015 Mar 21 3 239-47


A Gpr120-selective agonist improves insulin resistance and chronic inflammation in obese mice.
Oh DY, Walenta E, Akiyama TE, Lagakos WS, Lackey D, Pessentheiner AR, Sasik R, Hah N, Chi TJ, Cox JM, Powels MA, Di Salvo J, Sinz C, Watkins SM, Armando AM, Chung H, Evans RM, Quehenberger O, McNelis J, Bogner-Strauss JG, Olefsky JM Nat. Med. 2014 Aug 20 8 942-7


Neutrophils mediate insulin resistance in mice fed a high-fat diet through secreted elastase.
Talukdar S, Oh da Y, Bandyopadhyay G, Li D, Xu J, McNelis J, Lu M, Li P, Yan Q, Zhu Y, Ofrecio J, Lin M, Brenner MB, Olefsky JM Nat. Med. 2012 Sep 18 9 1407-12


Increased macrophage migration into adipose tissue in obese mice.
Oh DY, Morinaga H, Talukdar S, Bae EJ, Olefsky JM Diabetes 2012 Feb 61 2 346-54


GPR120 is an omega-3 fatty acid receptor mediating potent anti-inflammatory and insulin-sensitizing effects.
Oh DY, Talukdar S, Bae EJ, Imamura T, Morinaga H, Fan W, Li P, Lu WJ, Watkins SM, Olefsky JM Cell 2010 Sep 142 5 687-98


Increased adipocyte O2 consumption triggers HIF-1a, causing inflammation and insulin resistance in obesity.
Lee YS, Kim JW, Osborne O, Oh DY, Sasik R, Schenk S, Chen A, Chung H, Murphy A, Watkins SM, Quehenberger O, Johnson RS, Olefsky JM Cell 2014 Jun 157 6 1339-52


NCoR repression of LXRs restricts macrophage biosynthesis of insulin-sensitizing omega 3 fatty acids.
Li P, Spann NJ, Kaikkonen MU, Lu M, Oh DY, Fox JN, Bandyopadhyay G, Talukdar S, Xu J, Lagakos WS, Patsouris D, Armando A, Quehenberger O, Dennis EA, Watkins SM, Auwerx J, Glass CK, Olefsky JM Cell2013 Sep 155 1 200-14


Adipocyte NCoR knockout decreases PPAR? phosphorylation and enhances PPAR? activity and insulin sensitivity.
Li P, Fan W, Xu J, Lu M, Yamamoto H, Auwerx J, Sears DD, Talukdar S, Oh D, Chen A, Bandyopadhyay G, Scadeng M, Ofrecio JM, Nalbandian S, Olefsky JM Cell 2011 Nov 147 4 815-26


Identification of farnesyl pyrophosphate and N-arachidonylglycine as endogenous ligands for GPR92.
Oh DY, Yoon JM, Moon MJ, Hwang JI, Choe H, Lee JY, Kim JI, Kim S, Rhim H, O’Dell DK, Walker JM, Na HS, Lee MG, Kwon HB, Kim K, Seong JY J. Biol. Chem. 2008 Jul 283 30 21054-64

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